Type 2 Diabetes Five Ways to Take Control of Risk

Posted 11/18/21

In Maine and New Hampshire, more than 10 percent of adults have been diagnosed with diabetes. And another 30+ percent have prediabetes — meaning they have elevated blood glucose levels and are at serious risk for a diabetes diagnosis.

The risk is real. This epidemic looks much same across the country. But even if you already know you’re prediabetic or you’re at risk, the news is good. There’s a lot you can do to get your blood sugar levels back under control.

Know your risk.

All it takes is one minute to learn your risk for Type 2 Diabetes (or do it for someone you care about). Take this quick assessment from the American Diabetes Association.

Lose weight.

If you’re overweight, shedding just 10 to 15 pounds can lower your risk for diabetes — and other major health concerns, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease.

Quit smoking.

If you smoke, the chance that you’ll develop type 2 diabetes goes up 30 to 40 percent. Smoking can also complicate treatment for diabetes. Whether or not you have diabetes now, quitting smoking will improve your health.


Be active.

Physical activity makes you feel better. It also helps the body’s cells absorb glucose better, lowering blood glucose levels. The CDC recommends aiming for 150 minutes a week. You can achieve that in countless ways, and it can be as simple walking for 30 minutes, five days a week.

Focus on healthy eating.

Use the plate method to plan nutritious meals and in rein portions (fill half your plate with non-starch vegetables like greens, carrots, and broccoli; one quarter with lean protein like chicken, eggs, or fish; and one quarter with high carbohydrate foods like brown rice, black beans, and sweet potatoes).

For more information on diabetes, visit our Health and Wellness page or the American Diabetes Association website.

Diabetes, Flu, and COVID-19

Both seasonal flu shots and COVID-19 vaccination are important preventive steps for people with diabetes. For the flu, immunization makes it less likely that you (and others around you) will get sick from the flu. As for COVID-19, vaccination is important because it’s clear that your chance of getting severely ill if you contract COVID-19 increases if you have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

If you’re a Martin’s Point patient, set up your flu shot appointment today. Go online to the MyMartin’sPoint® patient portal or call your Health Care Center. For information on getting a COVID-19 vaccine, click here.