Find a Provider with Generations Advantage

Find an in-network provider, specialist, or facility near you.

In addition to offering our Generations Advantage plan statewide in Maine and New Hampshire, Martin’s Point also provides primary and specialty care at our six Health Care Centers in southern Maine and Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

For applicable in-network benefits, Generations Advantage members may receive care from any of the providers practicing at our Martin’s Point Health Care Centers. You may also choose from over 15,000 providers in Maine and New Hampshire (including all the major health care systems) who participate in the Generations Advantage network.

This provider directory is updated regularly, however, we recommend you call to confirm the selected provider is accepting new patients.

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Martin's Point frequently updates this directory based on information received from providers, members, hospitals, and other organizations. New information is updated as soon as possible, and no later than 30 calendar days from receipt.

In-Network Urgent Care Facilities

Providers listed in these directories are currently in network. Directory listings are subject to change, so please make sure to review the most current listing prior to seeking services. If you have questions regarding the confirmation of participation in the network, please contact the Member Services team. Please note that these Urgent Care Facilities are in-network; however, your Generations Advantage plan allows you to go to any Urgent Care Facility, wherever you are. For a listing of CVS Minute Clinic locations, please click here:

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