Provider Search Help for USFHP

The provider and hospital directory is designed to help you easily search for and select a provider, clinic, hospital, or other health care facility.

Martin's Point frequently updates this directory based on information received from providers, members, hospitals, and other organizations. New information is updated as soon as possible, and no later than 30 calendar days from receipt. Information from non-validated sources is always confirmed before being listed in the directory. Martin's Point contracts with an external organization to provide independent auditing services for all directory processes and procedures.

Please note that Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, and Registered Dietitians are listed in this directory by practice name rather than by individual provider name.

If you see incorrect information listed for your provider, please call the Member Services number listed on the back of your member ID card to notify us. 

If you need to print out the directory, you can do so by performing a search with your desired filters and then hitting CTR+P (Or Command+P for Macs) on your keyboard. For complete directory, simply remove all filters using the CLEAR button, perform a search and then print as instructed above. Please note that due to the number of records being processed, a complete directory print can take a couple of minutes to load before it is ready to print.

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Current US Family Health Plan Members:
1-888-674-8734 (TTY: 711)

Additional information about behavioral health resources and care management programs can be found here:

Mental Health & Martin's Point

Specialty Search Tips

Some specialties may be known by a variety of names. For example, you may know the “Otolaryngology” specialty by the more common name “Ear, Nose, and Throat,” or by its abbreviation, “ENT.” Please note that the specialty you are searching for may be listed in our system under a different name. 
Below is a list of specialties included in our system. The first column shows the name of the specialty used in our specialty search list. The second column shows other names sometimes used for that specialty, along with some types of care that would normally be provided under that specialty. When you select a specialty from the first column, your search results will include providers/facilities that provide services noted in the second column.

Specialty Search: Systems Names and Alternative Names 



Glossary of Search Terms

ACCREDITATION: Whether a hospital is accredited and by which accreditation body (e.g., The Joint Commission, Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities [CARF], Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program [HFAP]).

Information source: Ongoing updates from our provider network, monthly updates from the Martin's Point external credentials verification organization and monthly updates from another external vendor

BOARD CERTIFICATION: When a health care provider is board certified, it means they have applied for and been awarded certification from the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS,, American Osteopathic Association (www.osteopathic.orgt), or other boards recognized by Martin’s Point. To become board certified, a provider must:

  • Graduate from an accredited professional school
  • Complete a specific type and length of training in a specialty
  • Practice for a specified amount of time in that specialty
  • Pass an examination given by the professional specialty board

Board certification is a voluntary process. Most certifying boards now require providers to recertify at specified intervals. If you would like more information about your physician's board certification, you may visit the ABMS website at

Information source: Includes, but is not limited to, ongoing updates from our provider network and monthly updates from the Martin's Point external credentials verification organization. Current status is verified by checking the American Board of Medical Specialties website ( and/or the American Osteopathic Organization website (

ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS: The "Accepting new patients" or "Accepting current patients only" status of the provider's patient roster. Please scroll to "By Specialty" under each provider type (Primary Care, Specialists, Mental Health) to find the complete list of provider specialties.

Information source: Ongoing updates from our provider network

HOSPITALS: Hospitals where the provider is allowed to treat patients

Information source: Includes, but is not limited to, ongoing updates from our provider network and monthly updates from the Martin's Point external credentials verification organization.

LANGUAGES SPOKEN: The language(s) spoken by the provider

Information Source: Includes, but is not limited to, ongoing updates from Martin's Point's provider network and monthly updates from the Martin's Point external credentials verification organization.

MEDICAL GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Medical groups that the provider belongs to.

Information source: Includes, but is not limited to, ongoing updates from our provider network and monthly updates from the Martin's Point external credentials verification organization.

SPECIALTY: Specialty (or medical specialty) is a branch of medical practice focused on a defined group of patients, diseases, skills, or philosophy. For example, a pediatrician, optometrist, gynecologist, or neurologist

Information source: Ongoing updates from Martin's Point's provider network