Behavior & Mental Health Treatment 

An integrated approach to mental health and well-being.

Martin’s Point partners with Sweetser to provide easy access to consultation and treatment for depression, ADHD, anxiety, and more.

As a patient, you can conveniently access both primary care and mental health services in one facility. Plus, you can schedule your mental health services appointments directly with your primary care provider (PCP) as part of your overall health plan. 

Mental health specialists from Sweetser are available at all Martin’s Point Health Care Center locations.

To establish care with a behavioral health specialist, request an appointment directly with your primary care provider (PCP).

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Find out more about Sweetser:

A whole-person care plan

Treating physical and behavioral health issues together has been shown to dramatically improve the health and well-being of many patients.

Treatment is done by providing:
  • Early identification of conditions
  • Prevention
  • Easier access to complementary care
  • Better overall health care experience
  • Improved care and treatment options and outcomes
  • Lower patient costs

Partnering with Sweetser

Sweetser is a nationally recognized and accredited nonprofit serving adults and children throughout Maine. 

Sweetser has one of Maine's most comprehensive behavioral health networks, with nearly 200 years of experience caring for adults and children living with mental illness, behavioral disorders, or substance abuse problems.

Sweetser creates better tomorrows by connecting adults and children to the behavioral health treatments and related support they need and deserve. 

Find Out More About Sweetser

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