Help Me Understand Medicare

I am New to Medicare

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, as well as for some younger people with disabilities.


Medicare Prep Guide

Make the Medicare process a breeze by gathering all the necessary personal information and documents that you will need.


senior couple hiking

Am I Eligible for Medicare?

Medicare eligibility can be complicated, so let's jump through the hoops together so you understand your options.


Choosing the Right Plan

There are lots of details with this choice, but you have two basic options: Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan.


senior woman working at home

Working Past 65

More people than ever are working past 65—learn how to avoid penalties for not enrolling in Medicare at the proper time.


Enrolling in Medicare

Medicare has several different enrollment periods. These are set windows of time when you can sign up for a plan.


Navigating Medicare for Someone Else?

One important step you'll take as a caregiver is understanding the different available health insurance options for your loved one.


Medicare and the Military

Learn more about Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans for military beneficiaries.


Medicare Glossary

Get familiar with often-used terms and resources that you will encounter throughout the Medicare process.


We're here to help guide you.

Local benefit specialists available to help you with your questions or give you personalized assistance.

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