Martin’s Point consistently pursues excellence in NCQA Health Plan Ratings, a benchmark of plan quality and effectiveness.
Achieving strong ratings reflects the organization’s dedication to providing superior care and services.
For 2024, the US Family Health Plan earned 4.0 out of 5 stars for quality performance—this includes earning a rating of 5 out of 5 for Patient Experience measures.
Navigating your health care options?
Whether you're considering a TRICARE® Prime or seeking specialty care based on your referral, we're here to guide you.
Consider our Point-of-Service benefit—and remember, the POS has unique costs, so let's plan ahead together!
Get all the information you need on your plan’s coverage, costs, prescriptions, resources, and more.
Find out where to start and how to make the most of your benefits coverage.
As a member of the US Family Health Plan, when you turn 65 there are some important things you need to know about your health care coverage. We are here to help you navigate them.
Discover how the US Family Health Plan helps empower military families and veterans in our communities. Explore the 2023 Community Impact for more on how we're making a difference together.
Make your health a priority this year! Explore preventive care checklists and wellness...
Stay heart-healthy with expert guidance on preventing heart disease. Learn about high...
Colorectal cancer screening can detect polyps before they become cancerous. Learn...
Unsure about a medical concern? Call our 24-Hour Nurse Line for expert advice...