Palliative Care at Martin's Point

Supporting patients and their families during times of challenging illness.

Martin’s Point now offers the benefits of palliative care in person and via telehealth to support patients facing the challenges of serious illness and their families.

More comfort, better quality of life—At Martin’s Point, our mission is to deliver the care every person deserves. For some patients facing the challenges of serious illness, we believe that means providing a more holistic approach to comfort and care.

Adding palliative care to our offered services gives our patients access to care that focuses on comfort—physical, emotional, and spiritual—and opens the door to improved quality of life. 


What is palliative care?

Teresa Letellier
Teresa Letellier, MD

Patients who face serious illness often need specialized medical care to help them manage their day to day needs. Provided by a team of specialists that includes doctors, nurses, and social workers, palliative care teams work with a patient’s other providers to offer that additional support.

Palliative Care vs. Hospice Care

Unlike hospice care (which is only available toward the end of life), palliative care is available regardless of age, diagnosis, or stage of illness.

For adults, palliative services typically include care for patients with:

  • Advanced kidney disease
  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease
  • Neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Alzheimer’s, and dementia
  • Advanced cancer

Palliative Care Services

Our palliative care team tailors their approach to each patient’s illness and situation, working closely with patients and their families to determine the components that provide the greatest benefit.

These services may include:

  • Management of pain and symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, and sleep difficulties
  • Guidance and thorough communication with patients and their families about goals, concerns, and treatment options.
  • Planning for future care needs
  • Emotional and spiritual support
  • Assistance with advanced care planning documents such as living wills and physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLSTs)
  • Bereavement support

Getting started with palliative care

Patients can receive palliative care and other treatments at the same time. And, the sooner care starts, the sooner you’ll start feeling better—so you can focus on the things that matter to you. If you think you’d benefit from these services, just ask your doctor for a palliative care referral with our specialist, Dr. Letellier. Most insurance plans cover palliative care—including Medicare, Medicaid, and our own Generations Advantage.

Palliative care services will be offered in person at our Scarborough location and through telehealth for patients of all our Health Care Center locations.

Martins Point Healthcare Scarborough Building Inside

Scarborough Health Care Center

153 US Route 1

Scarborough, ME 04074


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