Qualifying Life Events (or QLEs) are certain changes in your or a family member’s life, such as marriage, birth of a child, or retirement from active duty, which allow you to make some changes to your TRICARE® enrollment or coverage. QLEs open a 90-day period for you to make eligible changes.
If you want to make a change to your health plan, you must make any eligible changes within 90 days of the Qualifying Life Event. |
If you're eligible for TRICARE® but not enrolled in a TRICARE® plan, you have 90 days from the Qualifying Life Event to enroll. |
If you remain eligible for your current health plan and want to keep the same plan/coverage after a Qualifying Life Event, you can. |
Qualifying Life Events (or QLEs) happen to many people throughout their lives. If you are unsure if your current situation qualifies as a QLE, we can help you find out.
The following are common Qualifying Life Events, or QLEs:
Status changes include retiring from active duty, separating from active duty, and activation or deactivation of your enlistment status.
This includes cases where both parents are sponsors and there is a change in eligibility status for either family member.
If there was a change in the government-directed primary care manager or health plan.
If you gained or lost employer-sponsored health insurance, Medicare entitlements, or Medicaid entitlements.
Domestic and international relocation events including a new address, country, city, region, or zip of your primary residence. This also applies to a child moving away to college.
Family changes such as marriage, divorce or annulment, birth or adoption of a child, placement of a child by a court in a member’s home, children becoming adults, a death in family, etc.
Interested in learning more about QLEs?For detailed information about Qualifying Life Events, download TRICARE®'s QLE Fact Sheet: |
If you have experienced a QLE and are looking to change your plan, choose an option that protects your health and your budget—the Martin's Point US Family Health Plan, a TRICARE® Prime option with extras, including:
TRICARE® Prime Plus Exclusive ExtrasValuable discounts on eyewear, hearing, gym memberships, and more! |
$0/Low Enrollment Fees
Wide Choice of Local Civilian ProvidersGet no/low cost in-network care with option for out-of-network choice. |
*Savings depends on military status, current plan, and benefit usage. TRICARE® is a registered trademark of the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved.
If you have not experienced a QLE, you can typically only enroll or change your plan during TRICARE® Open Season, which occurs each fall during November and December. However, if you're currently on TRICARE® Prime, you can switch to the US Family Health Plan today—or at any time!