Extra Help with Part D Costs

Need extra help paying for your Part D prescriptions? We may have options for you.

If you are a Generations Advantage plan member having trouble paying for your Part D or prescription expenses, we may be able to help.

Below you will find information on the Part D cost savings you may qualify for, including reduced drug costs and lower premiums. Additionally, you can explore resources that provide further assistance, including local organizations/contacts and Medicare resources.  

Table of Contents:
  1. Assistance Available from Medicare
  2. Extra Help Paying Drug Costs
  3. Extra Help Paying Plan Premiums
  4. See If You Qualify & Find Resources

Assistance Available from Medicare

Martin's Point Generations Advantage Prime, Select, Access, and Value Plus plan premiums include coverage for both medical services and Part D Prescription Drug coverage.

Please see the Evidence of Coverage for Prime, Select, Access, and Value Plus Ch. 6, Section 6.1 for more details.

Medicare offers financial assistance (called “Extra Help”) to help pay for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plan costs. If you qualify, you may pay a lower plan premium and/or lower drug copays.

The amount of Extra Help you get will determine your total monthly plan premium and your covered drug costs as a member of our plan.

Please note Extra Help amounts are determined by each individual state and county. Extra Help for plan premium payments are not applicable to plans with a $0 plan premium.

Extra Help Paying Prescription Drug Costs

Extra Help from Medicare may also help lower the costs you pay when you get Part D Prescription Drugs at the pharmacy. If you qualify for this Extra Help, the amount you pay will vary based on your income. The State will notify you what your Extra Help level of cost will be. 

There are three levels of cost:

If you are eligible for Level One Extra Help, your prescription cost shares will be:

  • Generic: $4.90
  • Brand: $12.15

If you are eligible for Level Two Extra Help, your prescription cost shares will be:

  • Generic: $1.60
  • Brand: $4.80

If you are eligible for Level Three Extra Help, your prescription cost shares will be:

  • Generic: $0
  • Brand: $0

Extra Help Paying Plan Premiums

The amount of Extra Help you get will determine your total monthly plan premium.

The tables below show you what your monthly plan premium will be if you get Extra Help. This does not include any Medicare Part B premium you may have to pay.

2025 Prime Plan Premium:

Plan ID: H5591-015-001

Maine Counties: Lincoln, Oxford, Piscataquis, Somerset, and Waldo

New Hampshire Counties:
Belknap, Carroll, Coos, and Grafton


2025 Prime Plan Premium: $29

Plan ID: H5591-006-002

Maine Counties: Kennebec, Sagadahoc


2025 Prime Plan Premium: $34

Plan ID: H5591-015-002

Maine Counties: Aroostook, Franklin, Hancock, Knox, Penobscot, and Washington

The table below shows you what your monthly plan premium will be if you get Extra Help. This does not include any Medicare Part B premium you may have to pay.

2025 Select Plan Premium:

Maine Counties: Androscoggin, Aroostook, Cumberland, Franklin, Hancock, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Oxford, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Sagadahoc, Somerset Waldo, Washington, and York

New Hampshire Counties:
Cheshire, Coos, Hillsborough, Merrimack, Rockingham, Strafford, and Sullivan


Qualification Information and Additional Resources

If you are unsure if you qualify for assistance or have questions, there are several resources and contacts that can provide you with more information. See below for details.


Need Extra Help? | Additional Resources

If you aren't getting Extra Help, you can see if you qualify by contacting any of the following:

Martin's Point Member Services

Current Members: Call 1-866-544-7504 (TTY: 711) 

Not a member? We can still help! Call us toll-free at 1-855-455-7224 (TTY:711)

Call anytime from 8 am—8 pm, seven days a week from October 1 - March 31, and Monday through Friday the rest of the year

Medicare.gov Hotline

Call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227)

For TTY/TDD users: 1-877-486-2048

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Office of MaineCare Services

Call 1-800-321-5557

TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-423-4331

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (Medicaid):

Contact your local office by calling:

For TTY/TDD users: 1-800-735-2964 (access relay for all NH counties)

The Social Security Administration

Call 1-800-772-1213

For TTY/TDD users: 1-800-325-0778  

Available 7 am-7 pm, Monday through Friday

Have questions? We're here to help.

If you have questions about your plan, you can talk to a Member Service Representative by calling 1-866-544-7504.

Our representatives are available from 8am–8pm, seven days a week.