Vision Benefit

Preserving your best vision is an important part of taking good care of your overall health.

In addition to the vision-related benefits covered by Original Medicare, your Martin’s Point Generations Advantage plan offers extra benefits that go beyond Original Medicare.

Services Covered by Original Medicare
  • Medicare-Covered Eye Exam: Copay varies by plan $0-$45 for outpatient physician services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the eye, including treatment for age-related macular degeneration.

Extra Benefits Beyond Original Medicare
  • $0-Copay Annual Routine Vision Exam: You pay a $0 copay for one routine vision exam per year. This benefit includes a diabetic (dilated-pupil) eye exam for people with diabetes and glaucoma screening for those at high-risk for glaucoma. See your Evidence of Coverage for details.
  • Eyewear Reimbursement: Your plan reimburses up to an annual amount for prescription lenses, frames, and contact lenses for the purpose of correcting/improving a member’s vision. Amount varies by plan (see below). This benefit is separate from your plan’s post-cataract surgery eyewear benefit which is covered under Medicare Part B.

Benefit Maximums by Plan

The following chart details the maximum reimbursement amounts for each Generations Advantage plan.

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(TTY: 711)

Current Members:

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*NH: Cheshire, Hillsborough, Merrimack, Rockingham, Strafford, Sullivan
**All others

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Qualifying Items & Services

Below you will find a complete list of items that are covered by your Vision/Eyewear benefit, organized by category.

Download Full List (PDF)

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Participating Eyewear Retailers

Below you will find a complete list of retailers that participate in your Vision/Eyewear benefit.

Download Full List (PDF)

Three Ways to Tap into Your Benefit Allowance

There are three ways you can use the funds available under your Eyewear and Wellness Wallet benefits!

Members can choose between submitting reimbursement requests (online or by mail) or using a prepaid card that comes with your plan's allowance pre-loaded onto the card.

computer icon   1. Online Reimbursement Request

Try this new option available through your member portal for easier submission and quicker processing!

Submit Online Reimbursement Request

computer icon   2. Mail-In Reimbursement Request

Our new combined form can be used for items purchased under your Wellness Wallet benefit and/or your Eyewear benefit.

2025 Mail-In Reimbursement Form (PDF)

2024 Mail-In Reimbursement Form (PDF)
computer icon   3. Martin's Point Prepaid Mastercard®

New for 2025!

Use your Martin's Point Prepaid Mastercard®, sent to all members prior to 1/1.

You can use this card to directly pay for a number of items and services covered under your Martin’s Point Generations Advantage Wellness Wallet and Eyewear benefits up to your plan’s annual allowed amounts.

Use this card to make easy payments at the point of purchase without having to use cash up-front and request reimbursement.

Learn more about the steps to using your card below. 

Learn More

Save on Eyewear through Your Dental Benefit

Your Martin’s Point Generations Advantage dental benefit, administered through Northeast Delta Dental, not only takes care of your dental health but also your vision. Through your dental benefit, you have access to eyewear discounts offered through EyeMed (note: eye exam is not available through this benefit):

  • Exclusive EyeMed Eyewear Discounts: Save on an array of eyewear options, including designer frames and contact lenses, with significant discounts off retail prices.
  • Access Your Savings: To use your EyeMed discount, visit EyeMed Vision Care or call 866-246-9041. Simply say "Benefits" when prompted and specify whether you are looking for glasses or contacts. Follow the prompts to state the type of lenses you need.
  • Nationwide Retailer Network: Choose from an extensive network of retailers for your eyewear, such as LensCrafters, Target Optical, and Pearle Vision. Provide your EyeMed Group Number 9231093 at the time of purchase.

For more information about how to take advantage of your savings with EyeMed, please see the EyeMed Vision Care FAQs.