Your flexible Wellness Wallet benefit is an annual allowance for a wide range of eligible gear, fees, and services that help keep you moving, indoors and out!
Learn more about all the items and services eligible for purchase through your Wellness Wallet and how to request a reimbursement below.
NOTE: Eyewear coverage is now a separate benefit and is no longer reimbursed under Wellness Wallet. For information about Vision/Eyewear benefits, visit our Vision Benefits page.
Your Wellness Wallet allowance amount depends on which Generations Advantage plan you are currently enrolled in, as well as your county of residence.
Annual allowance amounts for the 2025 plan year members (organized by plan / county) can be found here:
There are three ways you can use the funds available under your Wellness Wallet and Eyewear benefit!
Members can choose between submitting reimbursement requests (online or by mail) or using a prepaid card that comes with your plan's allowance pre-loaded onto the card.
Try this new option available through your member portal for easier submission and quicker processing!
Our new combined form can be used for items purchased under your Wellness Wallet benefit and/or your Eyewear benefit.
New for 2025!
Use your Martin's Point Prepaid Mastercard®, sent to all members prior to 1/1.
You can use this card to directly pay for a number of items and services covered under your Martin’s Point Generations Advantage Wellness Wallet and Eyewear benefits up to your plan’s annual allowed amounts.
Use this card to make easy payments at the point of purchase without having to use cash up-front and request reimbursement.
Learn more about the steps to using your card below.
Below you will find a complete list of items that are covered by your Wellness Wallet, organized by category. Your Wellness Wallet can be used for the assembly, repair, replacement, delivery, shipping, and tax of any covered Wellness Wallet purchase.
No, at this time only items specified in the Wellness Wallet list of covered items qualify for reimbursement.
The proof of payment must indicate what was bought, how much it cost, and how it was paid for. This can be in the form of an itemized register receipt, stamped bill, or paid statement. Cancelled checks, credit card bills, and bank statements can also be used, but they MUST show detail relating to the item purchased. We do not accept invoices, order / pick up confirmations, or shipping statements with no proof of payment. It is okay for you to use a gift card or gift certificate as the payment method, as long as the receipt indicates the payment method. Requests for 2024 Wellness Wallet reimbursement must be received by the plan no later than April 30th of the following year.
Yes! You are eligible to receive up to the entire Wellness Wallet amount that is offered under your Generations Advantage plan even if you join the plan mid-year. As a reminder, dates for received services or purchased items must be within the current plan year in order to be reimbursed under that year's Wellness Wallet benefit. (See FAQs below for details on gym memberships.)
Yes! Under your Wellness Wallet benefit, the costs of taxes, shipping, delivery and assembly can be reimbursed.
If you place an order for an item, but payment is not taken until a later date, the date you placed the order is considered the date of purchase as long as your receipt shows the date you placed the order. For example, if you place an order for an item on 12/31 but payment is not taken from your account until 1/1, your purchase date would be considered 12/31 provided that your receipt lists the 12/31 order date.
A member can use credit card points or a gift card to purchase an item as long as the receipt shows the cash value of the item.
Members receive their notification of Wellness Wallet reimbursement determination on their Explanation of Benefits documents within 30 days after the reimbursement claim is processed. Denial reasons will be listed on the Explanation of Benefits.
You can purchase equipment from any licensed retail establishment. We will not approve reimbursement for fitness equipment that has been purchased from a nonretail source (example: yard sale or Craigslist, etc.). The safety of our members is important and we want to ensure there is no risk of injury from noncertified equipment. If members are seeking to save on the costs or prefer to purchase second-hand equipment, there are a number of retailers—such as Play-It-Again Sports—that offer used equipment that has been checked for proper function and safety.
The membership cost will be split in half and half of the membership will be reimbursed.
Spouses have the ability to split family gym memberships or shared equipment. Members cannot split "single use" items or equipment. (For example, a bike can be shared, but an Apple Watch cannot. A treadmill can be shared, but pair of skis cannot.) When submitting a Wellness Wallet reimbursement request, the purchase would be divided in half and applied to each member's Wellness Wallet balance, unless otherwise indicated by dollar amounts written on the form. Each spouse must complete their own Wellness Wallet Reimbursement Request form, including the members' information (member name, member ID#, and member date of birth).
No, gym and golf membership fees are only reimbursable for the current year (up to the Wellness Wallet limit). Membership fees are not reimbursable for future dates of service.
No. However, we cover a number of items and services comparable to SilverSneakers. Many classes, fees, or memberships are eligible for reimbursement under your Generations Advantage Plan Wellness Wallet benefit. See your individual plan page for your yearly reimbursement amount.
Here are some tips to ensure the smoothest reimbursement experience:
For mailed-in requests:
For mailed-in AND online requests:
No. Your card arrives active and ready to use. (Please sign the back of your card.)
The Martin’s Point Prepaid Mastercard is not compatible with digital wallet platforms. While it may appear that you have successfully added the card to a digital wallet, it will not work when you try to use it for transactions. You will need to use the card directly or use a different form of payment to complete a transaction, save the receipt, and file a claim for reimbursement.
Your card arrives preloaded with your full annual amount, with separate allowances for your Wellness Wallet and Eyewear benefits. As you use your card, remaining balances can be found on your Generations Advantage member portal at or by calling Generations Advantage Member Services at 1-866-544-7504 (TTY: 711) 8am-8pm, every day from October 1–March 31 and weekdays from April 1–September 30.
At this time, card payments are available for a limited number of all eligible WellnessWallet items/services and Eyewear at specific retailers. We are working to expand options for card use in the future.
At this time, card payments for Wellness Wallet items and Eyewear purchase are only accepted at a limited list of retailers. Learn More
No. Your card is loaded with two separate balances—one for your Wellness Wallet allowance and one for your Eyewear allowance. These separate balances cannot be combined.
Please Note: The benefits refresh yearly. Unused balances do not carry over to the next year. The available balance is updated automatically after each purchase is completed
If you do not set up a PIN, select the “Credit” option. If you prefer, you may set up a PIN and use the PIN with the “Debit” option to access your funds. To set up a PIN, please call 1-866- 898-9795.
Yes, always keep itemized receipts/proof of purchase. You may be contacted by the Martin’s Point Generations Advantage team to submit receipts to verify that expenses comply with your plan’s guidelines. Handwritten receipts are not accepted.
It is always advisable to check your available allowance balance(s) prior to using your card.
To use your card for a partial payment, simply ask the cashier to apply the available dollar amount to the card first (you will need to tell the cashier what this amount is) and pay the balance using your own preferred payment method. Be sure to keep your itemized receipt and proof of purchase.
You may purchase items using your own preferred payment method and request reimbursement online or by mail up to your annual allowance. Be sure to save and submit copies of your itemized receipts and proof of purchase.
As of January 1, 2026 (or as of a 2025 disenrollment date if you leave the plan), any 2025 funds remaining on the card are deleted. If you continue your plan enrollment in 2026, keep the card and the new plan year’s benefit allowances will be loaded onto the card as of January 1.
If you are not sure whether your expense is eligible for reimbursement, or have other questions about Wellness Wallet benefits, please call Member Services: 1-866-544-7504 (TTY: 711).
We’re here to help. From October 1 to March 31, reach us 7 days a week, 8AM to 8PM. The rest of the year, we’re available Monday through Friday, 8AM to 8PM.