Did you know that, as of January 1, 2025, there is no longer a Coverage Gap Phase for those with Part D Prescription Drug coverage? The former coverage gap, also known as the “donut hole,” was eliminated as part of the Biden Administration’s Inflation Reduction Act.
In 2025, there are only two or three coverage phases, depending on your plan: Deductible Phase (if applicable), Initial Coverage Phase, and Catastrophic Coverage Phase. Each plan year, once your prescription costs (your copays and cost shares) in the Deductible and Initial Coverage Phases reach $2,000, you move directly into the Catastrophic Phase. During the Catastrophic Phase, you pay $0 for covered drugs for the rest of the year.
From time to time, your plan’s formulary—the list of drugs covered under your plan’s Part D Prescription Drug benefit—may change during the year. For the most recent formulary updates, please visit the Martin’s Point website at MartinsPoint.org/GAformulary.