Health & Wellness Resources

Martin’s Point collaborates with HealthWise® for trusted health information and wellness support.

Breathe easier—protect the health of your airway and lungs.

Find information about common diseases of the respiratory system, including overviews, risk factors, management, and commonly prescribed medications.


Taking care of your mental health.

Learn about resources designed to support your and your family’s best mental health at every stage of life—from childhood, through adolescence, and to adulthood.


Supporting your child's health.

From pregnancy through adolescence, we are with you every step of the way.


Focus on men's health.

Learn about common conditions affecting men and steps you can take to protect your best health.


Spotlight on women's health.

We’re here to provide information, benefits, and services especially tailored to your health care needs


Maintaining a healthy heart.

Learn about common diseases of the heart and vascular system, including overviews, risk factors, management, and commonly prescribed medications.


Keeping tabs on diabetic health.

Diabetes is a lifelong, chronic condition where there is not enough insulin in the body to effectively assist with digestion after eating. Explore tools and resources that can help manage symptoms and conditions associated with this condition.

Additional Resources

Get information and updates from these trusted health resources:

American Diabetes Association | American Heart Association | American Lung Association 

 Center for Disease Control (CDC)Harvard Health | Mayo Clinic | Vaccine Information Statements (CDC)


Health Risk Assessment

The Health Risk Assessment is a free tool available. You can take these simple, confidential surveys in about 20 minutes to help you better understand your health and health risks.

To start your Health Risk Assessment please go here:



Have questions? We’re here to help.

Call a Martin’s Point Health Care Center or talk to one of our health plan specialists today.