Welcome to Martin's Point Generations Advantage

Step One | Provide key plan information.

We encourage you to complete the following actions as soon as you can.

The information you provide to Martin's Point will help us ensure you have a positive experience when using your health plan.

Mail Order Prescriptions
—If your plan includes Part D Prescription Drug coverage and you would like to receive your prescription by mail, you will need to submit information and forms to CVS Caremark.

For detailed information on mail-order prescriptions and all related forms and documents, please visit the Pharmacy Network page.

Premium Autopay
—If your plan has a monthly premium, you can set up automatic recurring payments or make one-time payments online.

Other Health Insurance
—If you have other health insurance, please respond to the letter we send or call Member Services so we can coordinate your benefits correctly.

Complete and send the forms as directed below.

1. Permission to Speak With Others
—To allow us to speak with designated family member(s), friend(s), or others about your health care, please fill out the Permission to Speak Form.

If you have a designated power of attorney, please also send that documentation along with this completed form.

2. VA Health Coverage
—If you also receive health benefits through the Veterans Administration, please fill out, sign, and mail the VA Records Release Form.

The above forms should be mailed to:

Martin's Point Generations Advantage
ATTN: Claims Department
PO Box 11410
Portland, ME 04104-9863

3. Continuity of Care Request
—For those currently on an active course of treatment, "continuity of care" may help avoid care interruptions. Learn about eligibility and apply using the Continuity of Care form.


Step Two| Get to know your plan.

Understanding your benefits is the first step toward taking full advantage of your health plan.

PDFs of all important plan documents can be found on your member plan page. You can also learn how to use your valuable extra benefits by visiting the extra benefits page.

A Note About Your Member ID Card: Always keep your Generations Advantage member identification card with you. In most cases, you will present ONLY this card when receiving health care services (including at the pharmacy if your plan covers Part D prescriptions). You will rarely need to present your red, white, and blue Medicare card.

Please review your plan documents. If you have any questions, contact member services at 1-866-544-7504 (TTY: 711).


Prime Plan     Select Plan     Access Plan

Value Plus Plan      Alliance Plan

Download the Extra Benefits Guide


Step Three| Create your portal account.

We encourage you to create a portal account so you can manage your plan online.

By creating an account, members can get access to tools and information to help you manage your plan and your health.

Ready to get started? You can sign up for online access after the effective date listed on your Member ID card.



Step Four | Take Health Risk Assessment.

Get your health care journey off to a great start.

Take your Health Risk Assessment—an online questionnaire to help you understand your health/health risks, and guide you toward being as healthy as possible.

If you don’t have internet access or have questions, call us at 1-877-659-2403 (TTY: 711) and leave a message. We will return your call within two business days.

To take the HRA (at no additional charge) you must first have an online portal account.

You can find the Health Risk Assessment here: 


Log in with your portal username and password or click “Register” if this is your first time logging in. When prompted, enter your Generations Advantage member ID number and follow the instructions.

This website will allow only you to see your results anytime.


Step Five | Schedule your care visits.

Save the date for your annual routine physical and Medicare Annual Wellness Exam.

Your Generations Advantage plan covers your annual routine physical exam and Medicare Annual Wellness Visit at $0 copays if performed in network.

Schedule both services as early as possible each year to help prevent, manage, or identify chronic conditions or other health concerns.

Note: Separate copays may apply if additional services are provided during your visit.

Annual Physical Exam—A hands-on examination where your provider will check your overall physical and mental health.

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Medicare Annual Wellness Visit—A conversation with your provider about your health goals, scheduling preventive screenings and immunizations, and more.

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Comprehensive Visit—For your convenience, ask your doctor to schedule both of these preventive care services on the same day in one "Comprehensive Visit."

Have questions? We're here to help.

If you have questions about your plan, you can talk to a Member Service Representative by calling 1-866-544-7504.

Our representatives are available from 8am-8pm, Monday to Friday.