Pharmacy Network

Save money on your prescription costs by using the Martin's Point Mail-Order Pharmacy or in-network retail pharmacies.

US Family Health Plan members' Prescription Drug coverage includes access to a large network of pharmacies with preferred cost sharing, as well as standard cost options. Members also have access to the Martin's Point mail-order pharmacy. 

In most cases, your prescriptions covered under the Martin's Point US Family Health Plan can be filled at either a network retail pharmacy or through our mail-order pharmacy service. Learn more about those two options below.

Table of Contents:
  1. Retail Pharmacy Network
  2. Mail-Order Pharmacy
  3. Managing Your Prescriptions
  4. For Those on Medicaid

Retail Pharmacy Network 

Our network of retail pharmacies may be used to fill a variety of prescriptions. "Maintenance medications" (drugs you take on an ongoing basis) must be filled at the Martin's Point Mail-Order Pharmacy.

Members may fill the following prescriptions at any of our in-network retail pharmacies:

Online Account
Access or create your online account here:Sign In | Register
More Prescription & Pharmacy Resources:

Through CVS Caremark, we currently have a large number of retail pharmacies in our nationwide network. The Network Pharmacy Search Tool can help you find all qualifying pharmacies in your local area.

The following tools are available to help you manage any medications filled at retail pharmacies:

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Find Your Local Pharmacy

Where can I fill medication? Search for an in-network retail pharmacy in your neighborhood by using the Pharmacy Search Tool:

Find My Local Retail Pharmacy
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CVS Caremark Registration

New to our network? Create an online CVS Caremark account to access retail pharmacy information and manage prescriptions.

Create New Online Account
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Drug Reimbursement Form

Need a reimbursement? To be reimbursed for medications filled at retail pharmacies, please complete and submit the following form.

Drug Reimbursement Form

Mail-Order Pharmacy Service: Getting Started

The Martin’s Point Mail-Order Pharmacy for our US Family Health Plan members is an essential service for efficiently managing your “maintenance medications”—those you take on a regular basis for ongoing conditions.

To get more information about navigating your enrollment and prescription submission, download the Martin's Point USFHP Mail-Order Pharmacy Quickstart Guide (PDF).

New Prescription Submission

To get immediate access to our mail-order service, members should complete the US Family Health Plan Mail-Order Pharmacy Form.

NOTE: Completing this form is not required for enrollment or the use of the mail-order pharmacy service.


New Maintenance Prescription
If you have been prescribed a new medication to take regularly. 

If you need to start a new medication immediately, we recommend taking the following two actions:

Send a 30-day prescription to retail pharmacy—Have your provider send a prescription for a 30-day supply to a retail pharmacy, allowing you to pick it up right away.

Send a 90-day prescription to mail-order pharmacyYour provider should ALSO send a prescription for 90-day supply refills to the Martin’s Point Mail-Order Pharmacy. This will ensure your first refill of the medication will be ready by the time your 30-day retail fill runs out.

The Mail-Order Pharmacy will want to confirm the following information before filling your first order:

  • Member Shipping Address
  • Allergy Information
  • Method of Payment (if needed)
Submitting Refill Requests
Where to submit refill requests for your maintenance medications. 

Prescriptions can be submitted through several convenient methods, ensuring your medication needs are promptly addressed:

Electronic SubmissionVia SureScripts

This is the preferred method for efficiency and speed.

PhoneCall-in requests at: 1-800-707-9853

FaxFax requests to: 207-828-2483 (Providers ONLY)

MailSend fill requests to:

Martin’s Point Health Care
Attn: Mail-Order Pharmacy
PO Box 9746
Portland, Maine 04104

Please note—the mail option may not be suitable for all medications due to longer processing time.

Managing Your Mail-Order Medications

Ordering Medication Refills

Prescription refill orders can be done online or via phone. Refills take approximately 14 days to be processed and shipped by the Martin's Point Mail-Order Pharmacy.

In most cases, your prescription will be delivered to you within 10 days of receiving your prescription request. This ensures timely receipt of your medications. Plus, enjoy the added convenience of a 90-day medication supply delivered directly to your home for smoother, more efficient management of your health care needs.

To order a refill, you will need the following information:

  • Prescription Number (found on your medication bottle)
  • Member Date of Birth
  • Zip Code

Want to be alerted when your order ships? Place your email address on file with a Martin’s Point Mail-Order Pharmacy representative and you will receive an email with tracking information on your package once it ships.

NOTE: Email is sent from our shipping partner, SendPro Enterprise.


There are several tools to help you manage any of your medications filled at the Martin's Point Mail-Order Pharmacy:
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Price a Prescription

Need to price a specific drug? Search the plan formulary for detailed coverage information on specific prescription drugs.

Drug Formulary Search
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Order Drug Refills Online

Ready for a refill? The fastest and easiest way to request refills is by using the online Web Refills portal.

Request a Refill Online
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Order Drug Refills by Phone

Prefer to call in your refill? Request refills by phone by calling the Martin's Point Mail-Order Pharmacy team.

Tap to Call 1-800-707-9853
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Check the Status of a Refill

Waiting on a refill? USFHP Members can use our online tool to check the status of your current prescription refill order here:

Check My Refill Status
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Update Payment Information

New card? Update your debit/credit card information by calling  1-833-643-1678 or by submitting the following form:

Payment Update Form
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Update Your Address

Have you moved? Update personal details like your home delivery address by calling  1-833-643-1678 or by submitting the following form:

Address Update Form

Medicaid and Mail-Order Pharmacy Services

Some state Medicaid programs restrict the submission of pharmacy or medical claims to within-state providers only. In such cases, members are not obligated to use the Martin’s Point Mail-Order Pharmacy.

If you, as a Medicaid member, find that your state Medicaid program does not permit the use of our Mail-Order Pharmacy, we're here to assist. 

  • Submit Your ID Cards: Please send in a copy of your Medicaid ID cards to enable us to set up an override for the duration of your coverage (Note: This must be renewed each year).
  • Provide Medication List & Claim Information: To ensure comprehensive support, please have your local pharmacy submit claims for all medications that are needed. Visibility to the rejected claims will help us accurately enter all the necessary overrides.

Members can forward their ID card copy and medication lists to Member Services via:

Have questions? We're here to help.

Call US Family Health Plan Member Services to speak with one of our health plan specialists today. We're here for you!

1-888-674-8734 (TTY: 711)