Clinical Guidelines

Medical Policies and Clinical UM Guidelines

Martin’s Point follows CMS and TRICARE guidelines for most coverage and reimbursement determinations.

There are situations in which MPHC may utilize other guidelines. As a managed care organization, MPHC medical criteria is determine using government program standards along with evidence based clinical resources. 

There are several factors that impact whether a service or procedure is covered under a member’s benefit plan. Medical policies and clinical utilization management (UM) guidelines are two resources that help us determine if a procedure is medically necessary. These documents are available to plan members as a reference when interpreting claim decisions. For more information on our coverage decisions, visit our Provider Manual on Utilization Management.

When evaluating coverage and payment requests, Martin’s Point will review the relevant regulatory sources (CMS Medical Benefit Policy Manual, CMS Claims Processing Manual, etc.), National Coverage Determinations, and Local Coverage Determinations. In the absence of applicable coverage criteria from those sources, Martin’s Point may apply coverage criteria in its own internal medical and/or payment policies, and/or request additional information such as clinical trial outcomes, peer review articles, etc.

Along with the documents Martin's Point maintains for coverage decisions, we may adopt criteria used by other organizations. Note that Martin's Point‘s medical policy will supersede in situations where we have developed a medical policy that addresses a service when one of the entities noted above has separate criteria.


Medical Policies

All plans and lines of business use medical policies unless Federal or State law and/or contract language (including definitions and specific contract provisions or exclusions) take precedence over a medical policy. Those applicable provisions will be considered first in determining eligibility for coverage before the medical policy is used to determine medical necessity.

Please visit our Forms and Documents search tool to review more policies by category. 

Martin's Point Health Care Medical Necessity Criteria


Clinical UM Guidelines

The clinical utilization management (UM) guidelines published on this website are not always used by all plans or lines of business. Clinical UM guidelines are available for adoption to review the medical necessity of services related to the guideline when the Plan performs a utilization review for the subject. Because practice patterns, claims systems and benefit designs vary, a local plan may choose whether to adopt a particular clinical UM guideline.
To determine which clinical utilization management guidelines have been adopted by your plan, or to determine if there are other applicable criteria, please refer to the listing provided below.

Martin's Point Health Care Part B Step Therapy Clinical Guideline

Martin's Point Health Care Step Therapy Drug List


Other Criteria

Along with the documents Martin's Point Health Care maintains for coverage decisions, we may adopt criteria used by other organizations.