Our goal is to maintain clinically sound, broad formularies that help drive generic utilization which lowers pharmacy costs for your patients.
For certain drugs, we may limit the amount of the drug that we will cover. The limit does not prevent providers from prescribing larger quantities if appropriate, but we will require preauthorization before covering quantities that exceed the established limit.
Certain drugs require prior authorization. This means that a member or their provider will need to get approval from Martin's Point Health Care before the prescription is filled.
Step therapy is also used to provide safe, clinically effective and cost-effective medication in drug categories that have multiple agents with comparable therapeutic efficacy. This means that these medications are only covered if the member has already tried certain medications that did not work.
Generations Advantage | PA Requests |
Our Medicare Clinical Prior Authorization department representatives are available to take your requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For Generations Advantage prior authorization, call our Medicare Clinical Prior Authorization department toll-free at:
GA Prior Authorization requsts can also be made online by using the link below:
US Family Health Plan | PA Requests |
If you are not able to locate the authorization form that you need or have other related questions, please call Provider Inquiry at:
For US Family Health Plan Pharmacy Authorization Status, call:
(allow for a 24-hour turnaround for your voice mail inquiry)
Important Notice! Providers who prescribe drugs for Medicare or Medicare Advantage patients must be enrolled in (or validly opted-out of) Medicare. Because of a new Medicare requirement, it is crucial for your patients’ health that you enroll in Medicare (or validly opt out, if appropriate). Please do so as soon as possible. A delay on your part could result in your Medicare patients not being able to obtain drugs you prescribe for them.
Grievances and appeals information relating to GA Pharmacy requests is available here:
Grievances & Appeals | Information |
Access the Provider Manual for detailed information on the Generations Advantage Grievances & Appeals process:
Drug Redetermination | Online Request |
To submit a Prescription Drug Denial Redetermination Request online, use the following request form: