Need Fast Medical Care? 

Get to know your options.

When you need medical care quickly, it's good to know you have a wide range of quality options to choose from, depending on how severe your condition or injury may be. 

If not, we recommend your PCP or an urgent-care clinic. You could save time and money, while receiving excellent care from highly trained medical professionals.

Your Primary Care Provider (PCP)

$0 or $24 copay, depending on your plan

PCPs offer acute-care appointments during regular business hours. For non-life-threatening issues, a quick call to your PCP first may be your best option to get care from someone who knows your medical history and unique health needs.


Urgent Care Clinics

$0–$36 copay, depending on your plan.

Urgent care providers can respond quickly to a variety of non-life- or limb-threatening illnesses and injuries if your PCP’s office is closed. 

Most urgent-care clinics offer extended hours and are open seven days a week. Go to a local urgent-care clinic instead of an emergency room if you have:

  • Sprains, muscle strains
  • Cough, sore throat, sinus pain, and/or congestion
  • Fever, minor infections
  • Rash, minor burns or cuts
  • Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea

Your plan covers urgent care services worldwide with a $36 copay and you are not required to use an in-network facility.

24-Hour Nurse Lines

No charge for US Family Health Plan members.

When you're unsure about the severity of your medical issue, our 24-Hour Nurse Line is an indispensable tool that's available to you at no additional cost. It's the perfect resource for those times when you need advice on non-life-threatening conditions or injuries after regular clinic hours.

Call 1-800-574-8494, option 2 to speak with a registered nurse.

Cost: $0–$73 copay, depending on your plan.

ERs are the best choice when conditions are life-or-limb-threatening and may require advanced treatment.

Hospital ERs are open 24 hours every day and offer access to specialists. The average ER wait time for non-emergencies is 90–120 minutes.

Go to your nearest ER if you have:

  • Chest pain
  • Unusual shortness of breath
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Signs of stroke like sudden weakness, difficulty speaking, or severe headache

After an ER visit, prompt follow-up care by your PCP can be an important part of getting better. If your condition does not improve or gets worse, please call your PCP.

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Have questions? We’re here to help.

Current US Family Health Plan Members:
1-888-674-8734 (TTY: 711)

Additional information about behavioral health resources and care management programs can be found here:

Mental Health & Martin's Point
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