Healthcare Effectiveness Data & Information Set (HEDIS)

We continually collect and analyze data to monitor our performance and identify areas for improvement. In collaboration with our network providers, we support effective and affordable screening and treatment practices to prevent health issues and manage chronic conditions.

Martin’s Point, along with nearly every health plan in the US, uses the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) to measure quality of care and the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) to measure member experience.

Standard measures of clinical quality and customer experience allow individuals to compare health plans and make informed choices when it comes to selecting a health plan provider for themselves and their family members.

Jump to 2025 HEDIS Star Measures


How is HEDIS Data Collected?

Depending on the measure, data may be collected through:

  • Administrative/claims data
  • Supplemental files sent in by the provider during the year
  • Medical record reviews
  • Measure specifications outline measure description, exclusions and how the data may be collected.
    • If using a third party vendor for medical record retrieval, please specify name of third party vendor to appropriately request records directly.
  • Survey Method
  • Electronic Clinical Data Systems (ECDS)

Data Submission Documentation Requirements

When gathering documentation, be sure to include the following items:

number one icon  Proof-of-service documentation must include all of the following:

  • Members full name (first and last)
  • Date of birth (DOB)
  • Date of service (DOS)
  • Provider signature
number two icon  Proof-of-service document can be:

  • Screenshot (ex: snippet tool)—Note: Full member demographics must be included in the snippet
  • PDF
number three icon  Format for saving proof-of-service document as:
  • Member’s Last Name, First Name, DOB, Measure Abbreviation
    • Example: Smith,John.01.01.2001.COL
Please submit any questions and/or concerns regarding medical record retrieval please reach out to:

[email protected] | Fax Records to: 207-828-7853


The data submitted will help to provide insights into disparities in health plan performance variations based on racial and ethnic demographics.

Language Diversity and Race/Ethnicity (RES) Stratification is now required for the following measures:

For the 2025 Star Ratings, the adjusted HEDIS measures for several subject areas can be found here:

Breast Cancer Screening (BCS-E)

Documentation submitted must include ONE of the following:

sea tonal inner star  Documentation of mammogram performed during the measurement period  


sea tonal inner star  Documentation in member’s history noting, “mammogram completed” and date completed  

  • If the full date of service is unknown, using the documented year only is acceptable 

sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting one or more of the following required exclusions:

  • NEW: Members who received gender-affirming chest surgery with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
  • Documentation of bilateral mastectomy anytime in member’s history through December 31 of the measurement year.
  • Documentation must indicate a mastectomy on both the left and right side on the same or different dates of service
  • Must occur during the measurement year:
    • Hospice or using hospice services
    • Palliative care
    • Deceased
    • Living in Long Term Care
    • Frailty and Advanced Illness 

Colorectal Cancer Screening (COL-E)

MY2024 Update: COL has been updated to COL-E and is an electronic measure only.

Documentation submitted must include ONE of the following: 

sea tonal inner star  Documentation of one of the following test(s) or screening(s):  


sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting one or more of the following required exclusions:

  • Members who had colorectal cancer or a total colectomy any time during history through December 31 of the measurement year.
  • Palliative Care
  • Members in hospice or using hospice services anytime during the measurement year.
  • Members who died any time during the measurement year.
  • Frailty and Advanced Illness
  • Living in Long Term Care


NOTE: Cologuard is a stool DNA with FIT test and is not the same as a FIT test (FOBT immunochemical test) alone.

Controlling Blood Pressure (CPB)

Glycemic Status Assessment for Patients with Diabetes (GSD): A1C

MY2024 Update: Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients with Diabetes (HBD) measure was updated to Glycemic Status Assessment (GSD)

Documentation submitted must include ONE of the following: 

sea tonal inner star  Documentation of the following test(s) or screening(s):  


sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting one or more of the following required exclusions: 

  • Palliative Care
  • Members in hospice or using hospice services anytime during the measurement year
  • Members who died any time during the measurement year
  • Frailty and Advanced Illness
  • Living in Long Term Care

Eye Exam for Patients with Diabetes (EED)

Documentation submitted must include ONE of the following: 

sea tonal inner star  Documentation of the following test(s) or screening(s):  


sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting one or more of the following required exclusions: 

  • Palliative Care
  • Members in hospice or using hospice services anytime during the measurement year
  • Members who died any time during the measurement year
  • Frailty and Advanced Illness
  • Living in Long Term Care

Blindness is not an exclusion for a diabetic eye exam as it is difficult to distinguish between individuals who are legally blind but require a retinal exam and those who are completely blind and therefore do not require an exam.

Transition of Care (TRC)

Documentation submitted must include the following: 

sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting notification of inpatient admission:


sea tonal inner star  Receipt of discharge information:


sea tonal inner star  Patient engagement:

Transition of Care (TRC) Medical Reconciliation

Documentation submitted must include ONE the following: 

sea tonal inner star  Medical reconciliation information:


sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting one or more of the following required exclusions:

  • Members in hospice or using hospice services anytime during the measurement year
  • Members who died any time during the measurement year
  • Exclude both the initial and the readmission/direct transfer discharge if the last discharge occurs after December 1 of measurement year

Kidney Health Evaluation for Patients with Diabetes (KED)

Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for People with Multiple High-Risk, Chronic Conditions (FMC)

NOTE ON ELIGIBILITY: ED visits are counted for members with two or more different chronic conditions prior to the ED visit. A list of eligible chronic conditions can be found further below.

Documentation submitted must include ONE of the following: 

sea tonal inner star  Documentation of a follow-up service after the ED visit:  


sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting one or more of the following required exclusions:

  • Exclude ED visits that result in an inpatient stay
    • ED visits followed by admission to an acute or nonacute inpatient care setting on the date of the ED visit or within 7 days after the ED visit, regardless of the principal diagnosis for admission.
      • These events are excluded from the measure because admission to an acute or nonacute setting may prevent an outpatient follow-up visit from taking place.
  • Members in hospice, using hospice services, or elect to use a hospice benefit any time during the measurement year
  • Members who died any time during the measurement year 

Osteoporosis Management in Women with a Fracture (OMW)

Documentation submitted must include ONE of the following: 

sea tonal inner star  Documentation of OMW compliant treatment(s) or screening(s):  


sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting one or more of the following required exclusions:

  • Members in hospice or using hospice services anytime during the measurement year.
  • Members who died any time during the measurement year
  • Palliative Care
  • Frailty, Frailty and Advanced Illness, Living in Long Term Care
  • Members who had a BMD test during the 24 months prior to the fracture
  • Members who had osteoporosis therapy during the 12 months prior to the fracture
  • Members who were dispensed a medication or had an active prescription for medication to treat osteoporosis during the12 months prior to the fracture
  • Documentation that the medications aren’t tolerated is not an exclusion for this measure.

Statin Therapy for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease (SPC) - Received

Documentation submitted must include the following:

sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting member received Statin Therapy with the following:

  • Name of medication dispensed
  • Date of service dispensed

sea tonal inner star  Members must meet the following requirements:

  • Diagnosis of a myocardial infarction and/or old myocardial on the discharge claim, AND
  • CABG, PCI or any other revascularization in any setting the year prior to the measurement year, OR


  • Members diagnosed with ischemic vascular disease (IVD) who met at least one of the following criteria during both the measurement year AND the year prior to the measurement year:
    • At least one outpatient visit, telephone visit, e-visit or virtual check-in with an IVD diagnosis.
    • At least one acute inpatient encounter with an IVD diagnosis without telehealth.
    • At least one acute inpatient discharge with an IVD diagnosis on the discharge claim.

sea tonal inner star  Documentation supporting one or more of the following required exclusions:

  • Members in hospice or using hospice services anytime during the measurement year.
  • Members who died any time during the measurement year
  • Palliative Care
  • Frailty, Frailty and Advanced Illness, Living in Long Term Care
  • Myalgia, myositis, myopathy or rhabdomyolysis during the measurement year
  • Myalgia or rhabdomyolysis caused by a statin anytime during member’s history through December 31 of the measurement year
  • ONE of the following during the measurement year or the year prior:
    • Pregnancy
    • In vitro fertilization
    • Dispensed at least one prescription for clomiphene
    • ESRD or dialysis
    • Cirrhosis

Key Terms and Information

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Anchor dates

A measure may require a member to be enrolled and to have a benefit on a specific date.


Number of members who qualify for measure criteria, based on NCQA technical specifications.


Measurable way a HEDIS measure is broken down and defined and is referred to as a sub-measure.

Eligible Population

Includes all members who meet all specified criteria, including age, continuous enrollment, benefit, event and the anchor date enrollment requirement for the measure.

Electronic clinical data systems (ECDS) Measures

Data systems that may be eligible for ECDS reporting include, but are not limited to, administrative claims, clinical registries, health information exchanges, immunization information systems, disease/case management systems and electronic health records.

HEDIS Measure

Term for how each domain of care is further broken down. Specifications outline measure definition and details, which outline the specifications required to evaluate the recommended standards of quality for the element(s) in the measure.

Measurement Year (MY)

Refers to the year prior to the Reporting Year.


The number of members who meet compliance criteria based on NCQA technical specifications for appropriate care, treatment or service.

Ongoing care provider (OCP)

The practitioner who assumes responsibility for the member’s care.

Primary Care Practitioner (PCP)

A physician or non-physician (e.g., nurse practitioner, physician assistant, certified nurse midwife) who offers primary care medical services.

Prior Year (PY)

Year prior to measurement year.

Supplemental Data (Non-Standard)

Medical records that are manually extracted from the member's medical record and submitted as proof of service for the specified measure.

Supplemental Data (Standard)

Electronically generated files that come from providers who rendered a particular service (ex: claims,encounters,etc.).


A measure can be broken down into more specific data elements of care.

HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

The HEDIS® measures and specifications were developed by and are owned by NCQA. The HEDIS measures and specifications are not clinical guidelines and do not establish a standard of medical care. NCQA makes no representations, warranties, or endorsement about the quality of any organization or physician that uses or reports performance measures and NCQA has no liability to anyone who relies on such measures and specifications. NCQA holds a copyright in these materials and can rescind or alter these materials at any time. These materials may not be modified by anyone other than NCQA. Anyone desiring to use or reproduce the materials without modification for an internal non-commercial purpose may do so without obtaining any approval from NCQA. Use of the Rules for Allowable Adjustments of HEDIS to make permitted adjustments of the materials does not constitute a modification. All other uses, including a commercial use and/or external reproduction, distribution and publication must be approved by NCQA and are subject to a license at the discretion of NCQA.

Reprinted with permission by NCQA. © 2024 NCQA, all rights reserved.